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Dream big. Wear high heels.

Dream big. Take the first step.

As a mom, wife and CEO, I'm first to admit that women suck at dreaming big.

It's my mission to help us take the first step toward changing that.

As women, we often shy away from setting big, scary goals and wishing incredibly wild wishes.

Perhaps it’s our tendency of putting everyone and everything else first.

Perhaps it’s because we don’t feel worthy of wishing for – much less taking action on – ridiculously amazing dreams.

Perhaps we don’t feel good enough or smart enough.

Perhaps we’re afraid of failure.

Perhaps we’re tired.

Perhaps we’ve fallen victim to our ‘good life’ and don’t want to rock the boat.

Perhaps we don’t have time to dream about the future because we’re too busy worrying about the now.

Perhaps we’re out of practice.

Whatever the reason…it’s on us to change.

Every single woman deserves to dream a big, scary dream and take consistent, imperfect action toward that dream every single day.

Let's take a step.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

- Chinese Proverb -

There is an age-old phrase that says a journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.

And that couldn’t be more true.

But what type of shoes will we wear when taking that step?

The answer: whatever pair brings us the most joy.

Some women will lace up their running shoes and exercise.

Others will take off their shoes and meditate.

Still others will find inspiration in flats.

And some women – like me – will put on a fabulous pair of high heels to find her courage and clarity.

Step into the magic.

See, I believe there is something magical about high heels.

As soon as I put them on, I stand taller. I feel more courageous. I take deeper breaths. I walk with more presence. I become more ME.

I figuratively (and literally) step into who I am supposed to be.

High heels are to me what the web is to Spiderman. The hammer is to Thor. The lasso of truth is to Wonder Woman.

They are my secret weapon.

In a pair of heels, I am ready to battle my self-limiting beliefs and take steps toward my big, scary dreams.

But this power does not come without pain.

Expert Thoughts

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- Frank Mitchel -

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